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The Inola Area Chamber of Commerce normally meets at 12 noon on the first Thursday of each month at the Inola City Hall Council Room at 900 James Ct. Inola, OK. Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the Inola Chamber Facebook page at
The Inola Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit corporation funded by membership dues, donations, and fundraisers. Our overall objective is economic development and helping our current businesses prosper.
The Inola Chamber is made up of a group of citizens and business leaders striving to foster a positive economic environment for future growth. The Chamber strives to encourage, inform, and support the membership on current and future economic development and municipal issues. We continue to work closely with the town officials and leaders to encourage improvement of infrastructure while searching for ways to invite new businesses and residents to this community.
The Chamber sponsors special events such as the Inola Christmas Parade, the Back to School Block Party, a Community Economic Forum, Political Debates for local residents and other community functions.
The Chamber focuses on three prime areas:
1. Support for Member Businesses - Chamber is committed to helping provide area businesses with key information, and assistance to help their businesses be more successful.
2. Local Business Advocate - Chamber will act as an advocate on behalf of the business community in regards to supporting or driving issues relating to economic, civil, commercial, industrial and educational growth for the area.
3. Community Support - Chamber supports area community efforts and activities on behalf of those member businesses with a particular focus on those areas that encourage business traffic and revenue.
Chamber members elect a leadership board to lead Chamber meetings, coordinate the creation of various Chamber committees, guide outreach to new businesses, drive new membership, and explore opportunities to help drive local economic development.

Inola Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 1207
Inola, Oklahoma 74036
(918) 543-2900
Meetings are held in the Inola Town Hall Council Room. 900 James Ct. Inola, OK